Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Where Art thou

Its been raining for the past few day, and I am worried. Worried that the weather might not be helpful to recover that missing person and even more so, how it will make our country's image more unrepairable.The hunt for MSK till today is still on and that there is this little wager between me and my wife that he will not be apprehended.

It took the nation 4 hours to know that he got away, it took a few days for the police to tell us what he was wearing. A few more days for the Minister to say sorry, and it took time, time which is like century for a country that prides itself in its efficiencies and measures its speed to turn around in hours if not minutes.

Conspiracy theorists are having a field day and as the escape draws on, the toilet break becomes a new buzz phrase to take another snip at our often seen infaliable government.

While the board of inquiry is still being formed and that they are probably still trying to find a good day to convene, our dear MM has single-handedly found the culprit of it all - complacency, which incidentaly, might be the latest buzzword of 08. One feisty lady in the parliament made an impassioned And my question is about the formation of the board, which are form by ex-judge, former police chief and current HOD of the ministry, makes me wonder if the entire inquiry will one of those with gloves on, and enshrouded as State Secret and never see the light of the day. Not that the disclosure in the event of some damning findings will result in the media baying for somebody's blood, or that there will be a lynch mob somewhere wanting to tie someone to a stake to burn.... hell, it will be quite a day if a permit for that will actually be granted.

The media is now running on overdrive, to try to give everything a positive spin.
But I feel that they should just come out and say that we have indeed achieve another world first, "Being the first country to let a JI leader escape from a high security prison."

And if there are victims in this debacle, it will be the transport drivers that ferries between Singapore and Johore as they are stuck in that long jam in the name of national security and 100% vehicle check. In the same light, our Boys in blues and green, being made to comb (albeit ineffectively) all the woods and rocks to try to find our dear limping man.....

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